Saturday 27 April 2019


Growing, changing, turning left or right. Life is constantly moving, altering, sometimes with us hardly noticing at all. People leave us and new ones arrive.
Last week it might have been summer. Sunny, warm, a time for gardening and walking beside the sea. This week a storm has blown in with rain, hail and a wind that is cold. Meals have gone from salads to stews, ice cream to rice pudding.
A familiar place becomes unknown by events. A group become a rowdy crowd shouting, hurling hurtful, harmful abuse in to air around us all. A dishevelled woman rushes in from the street and stops, distressed, tears on a grimy face. Are you okay? No, no, I've just been sexually assaulted. 
Bemused shoppers stare, shake their heads, move away.
Is it true? What to do? and who should do it?
The world feels a darker place.

Where is the light?