Monday 31 December 2018


Is it true that the more dire the times, the more frivolous the people?
There are boringly common trees along the main road which have been blushing with embarrassment since the start of November. Switching On The Lights is suddenly the Thing to do in your village/town. The Community is encouraged to contribute to the cost of street decorations. Eager to be seen to partake, generosity prevails.
Market Street looks like Blackpool.
It's all very nice.
I remember walking to Brownies at this time of year, looking out for lighted Christmas trees in peoples windows.
Now there are so many outside lights (garden trees, random reindeer, icicles hanging from roofs - even some ghostly projected santa images on one house) street lighting seems superfluous.
It is all very nice.
We are encouraged to have a smart meter (which, contrary to the adverts, does NOT save you money, only tells you just how much energy you are using) and recycling is promoted widely. I have heard there are new ways to enhance the efficiency of solar power.
This may be useful in the coming year.
To 2019 - may it contain only good times!