Monday 4 August 2014

poppy petals, red ....

A century ago, an enveloping sadness spread across much of the world, touching generations, neighbourhoods, affecting life as it is lived today. What started that day (this day, today) in summer, is being commemorated in many ways around the country, 'lest we forget'.
Last week the Giants came to Liverpool and we were lucky enough to see them on the Sunday.
Amazing, all of it.
The parade began with Xolo, the very lifelike black dog.

Then a parade of the Liverpool Pals, dressed in their best, proudly marching to do their bit. I was told that Liverpool were the first Pals to form and the last to be stood down at the end of the War.

This was followed by a Scots marching band and the recruiting wagon.

There were large drums, (representing the gunfire), a large number of people dressed in black (mourners) and a cannon which showered the crowd with recruitment posters.

The Giants themselves ( the little girl and the Grandma) were a mechanical work of art and the Lilliputians who worked them, athletic and enthusiastic.

And Grandma's wheelchair is an indicator of scale!

A dramatic and moving piece of street art - and the sun shone. What could be better?