Decorations down, magi travelled safely to the crib and packed away, last of the chocolates gathered together on the piano and the cards in a bag, waiting to be recycled. Tree chopped in half and taken (with the door ring) to the tip, vacuumed up what (we hope) is the last of the pine needles.
Back to normal.
So what is this bundle of envelopes behind the new pile of reading material? Ahhh...
When hands are busy with repetitive baking, the mind wanders off. Well, mine does. I am a fan of Only Connect and am inordinately proud of myself when I get an answer right, especially in the quarter- and semi-finals. So I planned a little quiz for the dull moments over the festive season. Only there weren't any, so the sad little pile of envelopes are still behind the books.
For those who are unfamiliar with the quiz (which is tougher than U. C.) the first round is Find the Connection. Second round, Last in Sequence. (4 clues in each, more points the sooner it is solved.) Then the Wall. Four groups of four, one point for each group found, one point for the connection. Find all four and a bonus two points is yours.
Of course, the is a limited time to do this, but no-one is watching!
This, then, is the Water Wall.
Snowman Cracker Sour Chestnut
Cress Punch Mill Martini
Vera Father Christmas House Fungus
Castle Ug Fall Sling
I will put the solution up in a weeks time.
Have fun!
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