Have you been introduced to Lepisma saccharina? It likes flour, sugar and the glue used in modern kitchen units. Silverfish, to you and me. I was told they are a simple animal from the time of the dinosaurs (although a brief search on tinternet has failed to confirm this) and it is easy to imagine them scurrying through the mare's tail and assorted ferns, alongside tortoises and woodlice in the Jurassic jungle. (It is possible tele-land is colouring my imagination.) Do you think they were in to extreme sports? Bungee jumping? Chicken, in front of a brachiosaurus? Maybe. Because recently when coming down in the morning I have found at least one of their dessicated bodies curled up, on top of the Aga.
Not native to volcanic regions, then.
P.S. Re last post...
Just noticed a pink bluebell in the garden. So they're not rare either......
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