Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Monster munching..

 When was the last time I assessed the plot? Well, whenever, I'm sure it's well overdue.

So, after the rain today.....

Grey squirrel running across the lane; house martins wheeling overhead; young robin following me around the apple trees; pheasant calling from somewhere near; froglet (or maybe toadlet) in the damp grass;  shield bugs in the raspberries and elsewhere; crane flies (daddy longlegs) everywhere; shiny beetles, size like ladybirds; orange-lipped slugs (enormous!); lots of bees, some wasps, various hover and other flies; cabbage whites and a fritillary; acid-green caterpillar on horseradish leaf.

Picked up the windfalls but still lots on all trees; autumn raspberries from bud to flower to very ripe fruit; blackberries popping up; radishes in flower (bees) and pods (are they edible?); runner beans; a few french beans; yellow courgettes; tiny squashes and sweetcorn forming; carrots have lots of leaf; chard growing well.

Greenhouse has a monster cucumber plant, tied around canes. 1 classic (large) cucumber, picked 2 to take home; 3 or 4 ready to pick, more forming; heritage tomatoes ripe, other tomatoes  a good size but still green; peppers (chillies?) growing well; lemongrass bulking out; borage going bonkers.

Really must remember to take my clock - didn't get back till 2.40pm. Too tired, too hungry.

Will try to go again on Friday, as I'm not baking this week!

Saturday, 11 September 2021

Time - what has changed?

 "What if God was one of us?

What if God was just another guy on a bus, trying to find his way home?"

A song, an 'ear worm' as they say and it started me thinking - well, it was a baking day.

What has changed in two thousand years? Is the human race more human, less violent, more tolerant of others, less judgemental? 

And to where (or from) would he be travelling? 

 Would he do what he did then? Telling people to be kind to each other, quoting from scriptures, standing out as educated, a do-gooder. That didn't exactly end well, did it? Resulting as it did in torture and death.

Perhaps He would be one of the heroes who work with the homeless, displaced, ignored peoples of the world who reluctantly depend on the Charity of others. A health worker, shelter volunteer, a packer of food parcels. One of the silent aide workers who see the worst of humanity and try to make it better, if only for a short time.

Tired, physically, mentally, spiritually, on a bus, trying to remember the way home.

Saturday, 4 September 2021

momento vivere

 There have been no posts here since the pandemic because it felt as though life was on hold. Nothing happened but sickness and death. No news except how dire it all was and how we all had to stay home, not to travel, work from home, home schooling for all children and no visiting anyone. Even if you had elderly relatives in care or hospital - even if they were near death with covid - stay at home. 

Worry at home, celebrate at home, grieve at home. 

Skype faded and Zoom dominated.

The world has shifted and now society is moving again. Life is upping a gear.

Beginning again.